Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Overcoming fear

According to some sources, here is a list of common fears, flying, public speaking, and heights. Some individuals also struggle with the following fears: crowds flowers, cats, long words, germs, doctors and change to name a few.  I have overcome a short list of fears that include : pleasing people, bridges, public speaking, visits to the dentist, and bugs. I am still working on my fear of flying.

It is a process to overcome fear.  Last evening, our  BSF group discussed worry and fear.  As I remember, most of us appreciate Psalm 91.

 Psalm 91
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him.
For he will rescue you from every trap
And protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor of the arrows that flies in the day.
Psalm 91: 1 – 5

 I love this picture! A member of the group shared this picture with me. 

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