Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tasty Tuesday

“You don’t have to be chef or even a particularly good cook to experience proper kitchen alchemy: the moment when ingredients combine to form something more delectable than the sum of their parts. Fancy ingredients or recipes are not required; simple, made up things are usually even better."
Erin Morgenstern

I agree with this quote to a point. I think proper cooking lessons teach us the basics and then later to sharpen our skills. After we master the basics, it is then when we can begin to experiment .   

Do you remember your first cooking lesson? Who was instrumental in teaching you how to cook? Was it your mother, grandmother or daddy?  One of my friends shared that she has been cooking since she was five. What? Yes!  While her mom was recuperating from childbirth, her mama was teaching her how to make biscuits. 

I can just see this little girl running from the kitchen to her mama's bed to see if the batter was exactly right. It was such a sweet memory. 

As with all of life, learning is a lifelong process. 

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