Friday, May 22, 2020

Friendship Friday

Why develop new friendships?  Do you enjoy science that informs your decisions?  To me, this fact is fascinating."The Harvard Nurses' Health Study is one of many bodies of research showing that the more buddies  we have , the less likely we are to become ill as we age."  Irene S. Levine, professor of psychiatry at the NYC School of Medicine. Sept. 2010. 

So... how do we maintain friendships that change with various life events such as: health challenges,  divorce, widowhood,  marriage, relocation,  personality quirks,  job relocations, and other various milestones of life...

communication... intentionality ... concern ... 

Over the past few months, I am gained a new circle of friends.  Every night at 8:55, we join together for a prayer conference call. I am new to the group. They have been praying together for almost five years.  If you are calculating that is nearly 2000 days. 

On calls, we laugh, sing, read scripture, discuss issues, share praise reports,  invite other share in praying for our burdens, and sharing our insights. Last month, we finished the book of Deuteronomy. Now, we are reading, discussing, and  studying the book of Joshua. 

In the background of the calls, we often hear all sorts to shenanigans.  We hear  babies jabbering, conversations that are not muted,  rustling of paper, etc. One of my favorite sounds is hearing a bird in the background.  Zoe the  cockatiel is the bird I hear on the calls. 

This beautiful one is one of the youngest women at the call.  Zoe is sitting on her cage

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