Friday, October 26, 2012

Pets of the week

Donna's cats
Czn Yoda (yellow tabby) and Edison ( black and white)
This week Donna has been serving on short term mission trip.
I look forward to hearing about how they served the children and people in Romania. 
Donna shares the story about her cats. "In fall of 2011, two cats just showed up in our neighborhood.  One was really friendly, the other very shy and skittish.  Although I knew what might happen, I started feeding them.  They both were beautiful cats.  The friendly one was a tortoise shell.  I felt that it was adoptable so I took it to Humane Society since we were having such a cold, rainy fall.  As I was driving away, its buddy, the yellow tabby, sat on the sidewalk and looked at me like “Where are you taking my buddy?”  I continued to feed this cat.  It was getting friendly but wouldn’t let me pet it.  It would run up when I got home; follow me to the mailbox and just roll on ground in front of me but wouldn’t let me pet it.  I started getting attached to this little guy and started wondering how I could bring him in when I couldn’t even pet him?  I noticed that my cats would be on one side of storm door looking out and he would be right up to the door and no one was getting upset.  Finally, in January, he was eating  and I reached down and he let me pet him!!!  The next day, he did the same.  The predicted weather for that weekend was snow.  I thought “if I am going to take him in, I need to do it now before weather gets yucky”.  So I talked to vet about what needed to be done.  Plan was to drop him off for day to be examined, neutered, etc.  I got the carrier.  I walked out the door and said  “Ok, Lord, if you want this to work out you are going to have to help me”.  I set carrier down on step.  The kitty walked right up to me and I picked him up and put him in the carrier!!!  No trouble at all!!!  However, he did meow all the way to the vet.  But once there, he was fine.  They took great care of him, cleaned him up, etc.  For being outside for several months, he had no fleas, ear mites, parasites or worms!!!  I didn’t even keep the cats separated long.  They just all took to each other right away.  My 9 year old nephew, Eddie, got the naming rights and that is how he came to be Czn Yoda."
Next week look for an interesting saga about lost pets. 

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