Friday, July 17, 2020

Friendship Friday ...

 I am so grateful to call this amazing woman a friend. She is as she appears... strong, confident, intelligent and beautiful.  I wondered... How did she develop this strength?
Besides her parents, her grandparents were the most influential people in her life.

Her four grandparents instilled in her and her cousins the awareness that they could dream big and achieve those dreams. God allowed them to achieve their goals in different professions. 

Glenda achieved her goal of becoming an attorney. She is the managing attorney for a local municipality. Besides her family and being a parent of an amazing young woman... what give her joy?  Volunteering in the community.  

One of her favorite scriptures is from Romans 8: 28.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." 

This week she is celebrating a milestone birthday! She looks fabulous at fifty. 

1 comment:

  1. Glenda, I'm proud to say I grew up with you through softball and band. I'm even more proud to see your accomplishments, love of God and man, and service to all. You are a great example!
    You go girl!
    Keri Griffin
