Friday, January 1, 2016

so last year...

What is your one word for 2016?

Margaret Feinberg’s book Fight Back with Joy may offer some insight on how others have selected their word. Here is what she writes …

“New Year’s resolutions are so last year, according to my friends. Many of them instead choose to live by a single word, one that embodies what they hope God would do in their lives in the coming year.

My friends Sarah selected love last year, which led her to mend ties with her estranged father. Then, there was John, who chose balance. He hung a chart on his kitchen wall to track his days and make sure he spends enough time with his family. And after Patty picked hope, she enlisted friends to help her see the sunny side of every situation. When her pessimistic tendencies emerge, her friends give her a “hope nudge.”

Are you thinking about what word you will select? While you are thinking, here are my thoughts on my word.

One word has been percolating in my heart and mind for the past, walk-worthy.
Why? My family and friends have seen me hobble around for the past few years.  I often had to limit my walking and activities because of knee pain. Yet, the phrase walk-worthy has deeper meaning to me.  It is how I live and conduct myself. In other words, it will compass my entire life.

The phrase walk worthy is found in four books in the Bible, Ephesians, Colossians, Thessalonians, and Revelation.  Depending on the translation, the phrase will vary.

This is the from Colossians 1:10 in the ESV version, “ so as to walk in a manner worthy of the LORD, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”

Will you select one word for 2016? If so, what will it be. Will you leave your word in the comment section? 


  1. This is inspiring! I pray that the Lord walks with you as you endeavor to "walk-worth" this year. Hugs!

    1. I am humbled that you took the time to share a comment. Your book is both challenging and encouraging. I look forward to seeing how the Lord will transform me as I apply the truth of His word to my life. I hope other friends will join me in reading your book. Thank you!
