Tuesday, March 23, 2010


In January, my daffodils starting poking out of the dirt. Then, this week, they bloomed. Inside, I am doing some spring cleaning.
Want to have some fun this spring? Clean out your cabinets. I am tossing expired food from 2007, 2008,... flour, bread crumbs, vegetable oil, spices, etc. More spring cleaning the rest of this week.


  1. I found some tea from 2005...should I throw that out :) Mandy got me some tulips for my bday because our tulips are at our old place! They started blooming this week. They are lovely!

  2. I have never tossed tea... I use old tea... it seems to taste the same... good question... don't know for sure... Tulips say spring! What a sweet birthday gift.
