Sunday, November 8, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Frosted Pumpkin Cake... not your traditional birthday cake, but it was my birthday cake today. I did not blow out candles on the cake or make a wish, but the today's devotional from Max Lucado, put into words my vision and desire.

"Finishing Strong"
"Heaven was not foreign to Jesus. He is the only person to live on earth after he lived in heaven. As believers, you and I will live in heaven after time on earth, but Jesus did just the opposite. He knew heaven before he came to earth. He knew what waited him upon his return.
And knowing what awaited him in heaven enabled him to bear the shame on earth.

... He focused on the prize of heaven. By focusing on the prize, he was able not only to finish the race but to finish strong."
From the Book, Grace for the Moment... Max Lucado

That is my desire... to focus on living a life that matters to God.. and finish strong.

The icing on my birthday... having dinner with Verna, Gene, Tom and Nancy.... Then emails from Edie and Penny... the phone calls from Jara, Jonathan, Beth, and Suhulia.

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