Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Monday Musings ... Tuesday Edition

Yesterday, we celebrated forty-six years of marriage. We enjoyed a dinner, quiet conversation, laughter, remembering our beginnings,  our children, our challenges, and how we grew to understand the important of having healthy conflict.  

During our marriage we have enjoyed the sweetness of commitment, endured the challenges of surgeries,  the joy of seeing our children mature,  welcoming the birth of our grandchild, comforting one another in the sickness and  of death of our relatives,  receiving God's comfort in sadness, enduring work challenges and successes,  standing at the  gravesites of our loved ones and  the  the joy of worshiping the Lord Jesus in church. 

God has been our source of provision, protection and peace. God will continue to be at the center of our lives until we will be with Him.

"I will follow you, my love,

to the edge of all of our days, 

to the very last of our tomorrows."

Atticus Poetry

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