Thursday, March 12, 2009

Testing my reality

A message from the Aspiring Leadership Class is still simmering in my thoughts. I had to go back and check if my memories matched the facts.

What got me started? An exercise titled: Perspectives on Your Past. This is the description of our assignment. Think back on your childhood, through your high school, when you were forming your ideas and values and remember the messages you received about people who were over and /under weight. Under this section, there were four bullet points; we focused on two; media and the statements from peers and other kids in the neighborhood or school. Our group had very differing viewpoints. I don’t remember any negative messages about overweight people. I actually don’t remember classmates who were overweight. Fat jokes were not a part of my memory. I simply could not retrieve any of those memories. Am I blocking those memories? Were there overweight people in my elementary and high school? Overweight classmates were not a part of my memories. While I don’t remember those differences, did they exist? Was I absorbed regarding other differences? Other groups in our class discussed ethnicity, socio – economic differences, and people who follow the rules and people who break the rules. We focus on “Weight Disparities (Over and Under Weight)
I went to look at my yearbooks…testing my reality. As I glance through the yearbooks, I don’t see fat faces. I see my friends. Pages from my yearbooks…. see for yourself. What do you think?

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