Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Musings ... Women's March

I don’t know Dale Patridge, but I read his thoughts regarding this weekend’s women march .This is part of one sentence that I love, “… it’s time we recognize the reservoir of wisdom that sits within our women.” You may not agree with all of his thoughts… I think they are worth reading.

“MEN, we CANNOT IGNORE last weekend’s women’s march. It was a complex movement fueled by historical wounds, ungodly political agendas, and broken desires. But at the root, it was the reaction to the absence of Godly men. A reaction to generations of fathers who never loved, husbands who never cherished and brothers who never valued. It was wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, and grandmothers screaming the songs of oppression, of belittlement, and of confusion. Men, the women of our world are hurting for the truth. Their protests are also pleas to us for more love, more value, and for more leadership. Men, it’s time we recognize the reservoir of wisdom that sits within our women. It’s time we see the value Christ placed on our counterpart. And it’s time to grow up, know up, and show up to the roles God has placed before us. Remember, when men become boys, women become men. And when women become men, our ladies carry our weight at the cost of their femininity. In turn, our dormancy is robbing what them so beautiful and distinctive in the first place.  God has given men and women different roles. However, He has not given us different value. Men, it is time for us to turn to the women in our life, to pick up our heart and to stand in our responsibilities, and to remind them of God’s word on women, on the unborn, and on intrinsic value. The world will never thrive without their inclusion. Let’s make sure they feel this truth this upcoming year.”

This essay was was posted on Instagram. As of this evening, over 450 individuals have shared their comments.  What are you thoughts? What part of this had you nodding your head in agreement? Or, maybe what part made you angry? 

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