Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Musings ... words

I am weary of careless words.  Civil conversations on television and radio programs have become a rarity.  People interrupt each other, talk over each other, and often raise their voices to make a point. Outlandish the comments seem to garner more attention.

A few  years ago, I was so upset over comments on a radio talk program, I called in to talk with host.  Waiting, I had been on hold for over an hour. Finally, I was the next person in line to speak.  Whew! Finally, I could add my two cents. Sadly I was not quick enough … the host… said, Jackie from city. Jackie from …. Oh, I guess Jackie is not there, click … What! Did he just hang up on me! Yes.

 Who was I calling? Why was I upset? I was calling Rev. Al Sharpton on his, Keeping it Real Radio program.  I needed to call and give him a different point of view. My family had been waiting with me while I had put the call on speaker phone. 

To this day, my family encourages me to not listen to those shows…. They really upset me.  

Over the past several weeks, I again, want to give Rev. Al my opinion. If I had a chance to give Rev. Al Sharpton some advice, I would tell share with him this word.

 “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
Matthew 12:36 

The scripture is a reminder to me as well. Measure words well.

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