Thursday, August 23, 2012

Memories and advice

Thirty four years ago, Jerry and I were in New Orleans on our honeymoon.   We enjoyed breakfast at Brennan's Restaurant, walked in the French Quarter, listened to jazz,  and took tours of the city. We tasted New Orleans cuisine. I sipped a hurricane.  Hurricane is the name of a drink.

Jerry and I remember with fondness our martial counsel and advice. Whether it is from your pastor or a family member, be thoughtful in the advice you follow.

We were so young. Today we are older and wiser.

 New Orleans 1978

"Marriage is an adventure, like going to war."
G.K. Chesterton
I like the first part of the quote, the second part... no way! Marriage is an adventure


  1. What a lovely post and photo. Love you all and the ways you teach us about love!

  2. learning goes both ways... I learn so much from you, my family, my friends...and you
