Let is begin our Fast with joy.
Let us give ourselves to spiritual efforts.
Let us cleanses our souls.
Let us cleanse our flesh."
Sharing my everyday life and how I want God to fill every part of it...
Let is begin our Fast with joy.
Let us give ourselves to spiritual efforts.
Let us cleanses our souls.
Let us cleanse our flesh."
This afternoon I met with dear friends at Bronte Bistro for lunch. We told stories, laughed and enjoyed a tasty meal.
J. I Packer shared these words regarding wisdom in the Bible. "The Bible is overflowing with humanity, full of wisdom about the business of living. There is in fact a whole section called the Wisdom Literature: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament, and James in the New. What seems to me the wisest thing ever said about the five Wisdom books of the Old Testament is this: the Psalms teach how to pray, Proverbs how to live, Job how to suffer, the Song of Solomon how to love, and Ecclesiastes how to enjoy. That's good philosophy given under God for our learning and our blessing. And then comes, James, the New Testament Wisdom writer, who strikes all these notes together within the compass of his five brief chapters.
Wisdom regarding the business of living.
Charming Charlie is a fashion brand for women - known for fun and colorful stores across the US... This brand had to pivot from a brick and mortar stores to online stores. Now, I have to pivot to share about our Charming Charlie... the kitten of the week.
Charlie is certainly charming.
Looks like Charlie is cuddling with a stuffed toy.