Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday Musings,

 It seems as if we are in the never-ending election cycle. With political commercials filling the air on television and radio, it seems as if we cannot escape the barrage of information and blasts from opposing parties. I am weary of the cycle.

I have lived long enough and voted in enough primaries and elections to recognize that there are good candidates in both parties.

No one party political or individual possesses all of the intellectual capital on how to solve local, state, or national problems.  No one has all the answers. Christians are told to pray for those in authority. It does not say anything about praying for one political party. God says to pray. 

Some of the representatives take seriously the opportunity to inform the public. Grateful for Senator Reginald L. Thomas who gives informed updates.

I will be happy for the political commercials to end. 

Tomorrow is election day. I will vote. 

Senator Thomas and a friend from church.

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