Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday Musings ... Men

"A strong man can handle a strong woman.
A weak man will say she has an attitude."
Sonya Parker

My father's influence continues to shape my life.  Daddy set high expectations. Yet, those expectations were inspiring. He believed in me. Over the years, I saw how my father grew in grace. I was moved by his tenderness.  As he neared the end of his life, God, the Word, and his life experiences transformed his life.

Godly men bless our congregation. I see caring men in our church ... tenderness and strength.  Men who pray, hold babies, park cars, tend to the church grounds, teach Bible classes, answer church phones, clean, cook meals, balance budgets, and serve.

Here are two of the men from our church.  I smile, these strong men... living life with equally strong women.  Their wives are strong and talented women.  These men are comfortable in their own skins... they encourage those in their spheres of life.... to be all that God has called them to be...

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